Money in the bank review

Money in the Bank 2019 Review

This year’s Money in the Bank (MITB) is done. Let us recap some of the best and worst highlights of the show.

2019 Money in the Bank in Review

Money in the Bank Women’s Ladder Match

Once again at MITB the ladies have shown they can do it just as well as the men. All eight women pushed their limits and showed no fear as they vied for the coveted MITB suitcase. Of course, a notable exception would be Carmella. She seemed injured and stayed out most of the match before returning and trying to take advantage of the others. But in the end, it was crowd favorite Bayley who made her way up the ladder. As Sonya Deville did everything she could to help her partner Mandy win. That includes carrying her fireman style up the ladder, which is impressive no matter what you think. But Bayley came up the other side and stared her down before shoving both of them to the mat to grab the suitcase and win the MITB ladder match.

Money in the Bank Women’s Title Matches

Becky Two Belts had her first match of the night against Lacey Evans. While each woman had their ups and downs. But once Lacey got too ahead of herself and thought she could wipe her sweat in Becky’s face. Becky got fired up and kept to her word and ended the match when she successfully got Lacey with a dis-arm-her hold. Giving Lacey no choice but to tap out to The Man, losing her chance at the women’s title.

However, a sore and tender walking Becky was barely out of the ring when the music of Charlotte Flair started. The queen walked quickly and purposely down to the ring, pointing at Becky to get in the ring as their match was starting right then. Once standing in the ring Charlotte loudly and with all the hyperactivity of someone seeing their chance, kept beckoning for her to hurry up and get in the ring. Even though Becky seemed to be considering not going, she knew that after all the talk she had been speaking. There was no way for her to not go all in. Even though she was obviously sore, Charlotte still couldn’t get a big enough lead on her for a pin. Until, an angry Lacey ran back to the ring, punching Becky and giving Charlotte the edge she needed to take the win.

A Surprise Turn

After Charlotte teased Becky for losing her title to her, Becky jumped out of the ring and took out her frustration on Lacey for ruining her match. Not content with having her title and her win, Charlotte jumped out and helped Lacey turn the tide on Becky. When all three ended up back in the ring, Becky was on the receiving end of a two on one beat down. Newly crowned MITB winner Bayley ran out, to seemingly help the odds. However, once Charlotte was knocked for a loop against the ring posts. And to the delight of the crowd that encouraged her to do it. Bayley cashed in her MITB case and with one flying elbow from the top rope, got the pin and became the Women’s Champion.

Elias Not Closing the Deal

The scheduled match was Elias vs Roman Reigns. As Roman was walking towards the ring, Elias hit him in the back with his acoustic guitar and continued to the ring. Where he pulled out an electric guitar in an attempt to entertain the Hartford CT crowd. Though the crowd was less than entertained when he spewed some of his normal town insults at the crowd. When he was done, he said his goodbye and headed back up the stage. Feeling that he was done for the night, he didn’t expect the flying superman punch that landed on his cheek. As Roman made it known he was far from done with this night. As Elias stumbled back down to the ring, the bell rang to start the match and one spear later ended the night for Elias in a way he didn’t plan on.

Seth Rollins Retained His Title

In a high impact and skill showing match that went back and forth. Which easily could have had AJ Styles as the winner. Seth Rollins got his second attempt of a curb stomp on AJ and was able to get the pin to retain the title. When Seth was doing his victory walk in the ring, AJ ran back as if he may want to start another fight. Instead, he extended his hand in a show of respect. Seth, probably remembering many times this had blown up in his face with other wrestlers, shook his hand. Looking at each other in the eye, it was clear there was respect and there would be other matches between the two men in the future.

The Men’s Ladder Match

What can be said about this match to give credit to the seven men who put their bodies on the line? From a high flying perfect RKO from Randy Orton to Finn Balor getting tossed after an exchange with Andrade. However, as good as all these men were, none of them got the MITB case.

Why is that? Because much like the house guest who just won’t take the hint to go home, Brock Lesnar showed up and threw Ali from the ladder, climbing it himself and taking the MITB case. Lesnar set his sights on the title Seth Rollins took from him at Wrestlemania. We can only hope that Brock will disappear as he always does and leave the fighting to the fighting champions.

Last Word

All the superstars pushed the limits and had a great showing, setting up story-lines for the next PPVs and SummerSlam. But we will have to endure more of Paul Heyman’s words as his client takes his part-time effort to the ring. Ding Ding.

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