The Dan Quinn Era Must End Immediately

The 2019 Atlanta Falcons are completely dysfunctional. They continue to underachieve on a weekly basis. They are extremely undisciplined and play uninspired football. There is a lack of leadership and mental toughness on both the coaching staff and player roster.

The Dan Quinn Era Must End Immediately

Writing is on the Wall

After one-quarter of the 2019 NFL season completed, it has become increasingly painful and irritating to watch Dan Quinn coach the Falcons on a weekly basis. The season is far from over, but this team continues to play uninspired football. They lack discipline, focus and heart. To come out every week so far from the opening kickoff (aside from the Philadelphia Eagles game) flat and totally unprepared is beyond frustrating and irritating for Falcons fans.

It is ultimately the head coach’s responsibility to have his team mentally prepared on a weekly basis. Through the first four games of the season, Dan Quinn has miserably failed in this area, among many others. His seat was already hot coming into this season. It is now heating up even more with the pressure mounting on him. A deep run into the playoffs was the only way that he might survive this season. That is looking like a longshot at best now.

Fundamentally Unsound

The Falcons continue to shoot themselves in the foot with crippling penalties at the most inopportune times. Sunday against the Tennesse Titans was no different. In the 24-10 loss, there were undisciplined, drive-killing penalties committed by the offense which pushed them back in field position. Too many fundamental mistakes with missed tackles and techniques have been an issue from day one with Quinn as head coach.

Quinn took over the playcalling on defense as he named himself the Defensive Coordinator in the offseason. His unit continues to give up too many big plays and cannot get off the field consistently. They continue to inexplicably play a soft zone defense, which gives the opponents offense too much room to convert on third and long situations.

As long as Quinn is running the show, the Falcons will continue to get physically dominated on both sides of the ball and remain soft.

Glorified Cheerleader

Fans are sick and tired of Dan Quinn’s rah-rah cheerleader speeches, his cliches, and idioms. He continues to spew the same rhetoric after every practice and every game.  It is becoming extremely tiresome and transparent. At one point during the fourth quarter of Sunday’s game, he fist-pumped and high fived two offensive players after a failed fourth-down conversion on offense.

His demeanor on the sidelines never changes. He will never get in a player’s face for a mistake made or an egregious penalty committed. He rarely argues a call with the refs. It is coming to fruition as to what he really is, or attempts to be – a glorified cheerleader and motivational speaker. He is not a tactician. Quinn’s coaching and scheme are under intense scrutiny, as they should be.

Fans Deserve Better

The Falcons 2019 schedule consists of 12 dome games. Their first outside game is not until week 11. With all the offensive talent this team has, they should be averaging 24-28 points per game easily. When you have Matt Ryan, Julio Jones, Calvin Ridley, Devonta Freeman, and Austin Hooper as your starting unit, you must be averaging more than 17.5 points per game.  This is a whole other topic as Dirk Koetter’s gameplans and play-calling are very vanilla with no creativity whatsoever.

Quinn has had six coordinators during his tenure as head coach. This past offseason he hired and compiled a coaching staff that can be construed as old school and archaic. This was an act of desperation on his part. It seems as though he doesn’t know what to do anymore in terms of righting the ship. He is ultimately responsible for the vanilla offensive play calling and the porous defense.

Fans are tired of Quinn’s slogans and marketing campaigns that emanate from his mouth. They are demanding a viable product on the field and deserve much better. What they especially deserve is a winning team and competent coaching, neither of which he is capable of providing anymore.









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