andrew luck

Andrew Luck, What Happens When Luck Runs out

Sure, it is a play on words regarding Andrew Luck, but it is also a true statement. Sometimes skill isn’t enough in the NFL. Some things take luck as well and this article is going to go over what happens when it runs out.

(Andrew) Luck, When it Runs out in the NFL

A Shocking Reaction from Fans

Okay, we all understand as fans of the NFL that no one wants to lose their quarterback, especially so young and right before the new season starts. However, the booing that was directed at Andrew Luck as he left the field was simply disrespectful. Luck came onto the Indianapolis Colts with the unenviable task of filling some of the biggest shoes to ever play the sport of football—Peyton Manning.

He didn’t fill Manning’s shoes as much as he made them his own—up to and including taking the Colts to the AFC Championship in the 2014 season. But even with that strong playing, once the injuries got the better of him. Once he decided after a lot of soul searching and debates that it was better to retire. Fans decided it was better to boo him than to understand or even think about what he was going through.

He felt it was better to not further injure himself or to play sub-par. Even though one could clearly see the pain in Andrew Luck to make this announcement. Although throughout social media he was getting love and support from other teams fans and current and former players, his own fans turned on him. No matter what they say or do after this week, the sound of those boos will be what Luck remembers from the last time he was on his home field. And that is simply unacceptable.

Injuries Are Part of the Game

Sometimes fans will forget, even though this is a sport and something that fans love to watch from home. Average fans will never know the pain of some injuries these players receive. Expecting every player to be able to heal quickly and with no nagging pain is unrealistic. This year’s preseason alone, several players have gotten severe enough injuries to either end or severely limit their playtime. These include but are not limited to:

These are only some of the players that are out for the season. They rank everywhere in the football spectrum; rookies, veterans, 1st string, backups. No one is guaranteed to make it through the game unscathed. There are many others on the injury list listed as anything from day to day to out indefinitely.

Think Before You Act

The bottom line is simple. As much as we as fans love the sport of the NFL, we have to remember that these are men, and men can be easily injured. These great athletes have also usually worked hard their entire life to get the chance that most won’t get. There are plenty of times that someone may deserve to get booed or shunned. But a heartbreaking and life-changing decision is not one of them.

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