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Unpopular Opinion on the Pittsburgh Steelers

As the playoffs continue and the Pittsburgh Steelers aren’t in them. I have an unpopular opinion on what the problem is and has been in the steel city. No, I don’t think it is the only problem, but I think its traceable to a point in time.

Unpopular Opinion on the Pittsburgh Steelers

When the Steelers Lost President Dan Rooney

Of course, there were problems when Dan Rooney was alive, all teams have problems. But as unpopular as this statement may be. There was a higher level of respect and decorum on the team. Sure things happened that no one would want their team to do. However, there was a level of daddy’s home, behave yourself. When Dan Rooney was alive that doesn’t always seem to be there since Art Rooney II took the helm.

Could it simply be a difference in management/parenting styles? Dan Rooney was very, very hands-on with the team. Often seen in the locker room or on the field watching and talking with his players and coaches well into his late years. Art Rooney II doesn’t seem to have the same feel to him, and with that distance, more trouble and attitudes can erupt.

What Would Dan do?

A lot of people are focusing a lot of the blame for the Steelers recent woes on the shoulders of head coach Mike Tomlin. Sure a coach has a greater responsibility across the board. However, he is becoming unpopular with the media critics and fans alike and it isn’t founded. When Dan was here, he would talk more to the players and coaches and when he saw something that he perceived to be a problem, he tackled it head-on. Art II seems to be more of a behind the scenes kind of owner, which is his choice of course. However, it changes the dynamics of the team and how they behave.

Let’s Not Forget Maturity Factors

Unpopular opinion or not, young men with a lot of fame and money will not always make wise choices. This is not just true on the Steelers, or just the NFL or just in sports. This is true across the board. Great talent gets great contracts, great contracts get great money, great money, sometimes, adds to great egos. While immature things happened before Rooney’s passing, it wasn’t as widespread and usually nipped in the bud quickly. Of late, immaturity borders on tantrums. With the media fighting for and looking stories to post. A juicy story about a player being unhappy, even if it was is a rumor. They are posted and re-posted and added to until few people know the real truth.

Last Word

The Steeler Nation is a strong powerful dynasty that in the end will outlive the drama of the past couple of years. One of their biggest strengths is being able to replace players who leave the team by any means. So in the end, the biggest problem, if you call it one, is keeping the morale and mentality of the team in a good place. This can be done and was done for years with Dan Rooney at the helm. Hopefully, Art II takes control of the helm more firmly. He needs to play the father figure role enough to keep the locker room happy and drama free. Here We Go.

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